Saturday, January 14, 2012

Teaching and point of view

I am glad to say that I think I have made the right choice in my profession. I am a firm believer that we are lifelong learners, and these past two weeks I have learned so much!

My biggest lesson, inside and outside the classroom:
Expectations should be on an individual basis. Some are actually giving all they possibly can, and some are giving just what they can get by on. A good teacher, friend, or listener will be looking for the answer. My expectations of each individual is based on what I would be willing to do for them (student, friend, coworker, relative...). Realizing that some are doing all they can has been a lesson learned. I know..."everyone is fighting their own battles", is the old saying. Remembering this daily --is the lesson!

High School...
If you give them an inch....they will take a mile, if given the opportunity!
If I am only catching 1/10 of what they are doing...what are they actually getting away with??
Testing boundaries is going to happen, but it goes both ways!

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