Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Week in Review-- Very High and Very Low

So many prayers of support, guidance and praise! I am abundantly blessed!
This week has been quite a roller coaster.

  • A good friend has found out that his cancer is gone. He has had a very hard time post surgery, but is CANCER FREE! My heart has been hurting for he and his wife and family.

  • My step mom had her check up and is still CANCER FREE, post surgery. Her brother died this week, after a transplant. It was a long tough battle and she has been by his side. Emotional high and low for her. RIP Uncle Dennis.

  • Trenton's eye exam was good!

  • Hogs Win! NAIL BITER!

  • Heritage Girls' Tennis State Champs!

  • I completed and delivered two wedding cakes last Saturday--highs and lows all day!

  • Friend Brian and his wife Cheryl welcomed a healthy girl--#7 I am amazed!!

  • I was initiated into Kappa Delta Pi honor society at the U of A today! My effort is paying off!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I am not ready for this

...and neither is her daddy! This is dinner before "black and white themed" homecoming. They are adorable, but WOW am I really old enough to have a daughter going to dances, and out to dinner, and dressing like a teenager.

This smile is after all of the "rule review" we had in the car. Bobby hollers out..."remember the rules!" and I snapped the picture. Then she had to explain when they got inside the restaurant. There could be a little fun in this!