Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Deep Thoughts...not from Jack Handy

Ok, so not everyone will get the SNL reference, but I did have a deep thought to share. Maybe it's just me, but I spend time counting down to things. Countdown to graduation, countdown to vacation, countdown to this or that. Does everyone do this? Probably. I don't think it's a bad thing. Counting down days until a big triumph, is normal. Here is my I consumed so much with getting to another day that I am not giving everything I have to the day I am in? I tell my kids to not wish their life away, these are the best years! They have very little responsibility, no debt and that all changes. No, I don't believe my teen years were the best of my life---just don't tell them that. Am I giving today everything it deserves? Am I allowing the future to take away from what lessons I am learning today? I don't know. I am still thinkin' about it. And that is deep thoughts from me at the ballpark.

1 comment:

Moore to Life said...

I totally understand and do the same thing with counting down and actually can't focus on things very well if I don't have something to count down or look forward to. If there is little pressure or not something to plan towards or look forward to, then I'm kind of bored. That was a deep thought and I got the SNL reference... :)