Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bring on 2012

I have high expectations of this year. I have never been one to make resolutions, because I never keep them. We are going to call these things I want to happen...and we will see how it goes from there.
1) Journal more regularly. I want my kids to be able to read about the things they did and as my memory starts to fade...and it already comes and is much more sensible to write it down.
2) Blog...lets shoot for weekly!
3) Be more positive--LOOK for the upside.
4) Be a better friend--remember everyone is fighting their own battles
5) Graduate College! Speaks for itself!
6) Make a difference-Because you can-Where you can.
7) Finish! I am terrible about starting projects and getting bored with it and moving on.
8) Listen more, talk less. This is hard for me. I like to talk, but I am sure there is a reason why we have two ears and one mouth.
9) Pray and talk with God. He is listening, but I must work on the connection.
10) LIVE LIFE! Don't put off till tomorrow, who knows if you'll get one.

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Speaking of 'live life', we have to talk about that!!!! We need to do some planning sister!!