Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Morning At the Street's...Santa was Here!

We usually stay the Christmas holiday at my sister's house with her family and this year was no different. However this is the first year that all of my kids-- only believe in the spirit of Santa, while her daughter, Emalyn (age 4) still believes in the whole Santa story. Before we left, I threatened all of my kids about letting it slip...and the consequences! In our family as long as you believe, you will receive. The moment that mom hears that you don't believe, you no longer receive (even if it is just believing in the spirit). This ensures that we don't ruin it for my little niece and we still can get the teenager up and excited Christmas morning. My sis will kill me for posting these photos, but it was early Chistmas morning and there is an equally bedhead photo of me. I love our Christmas morning tradition!

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