Monday, April 9, 2012


32 days...yes it is a count down. I have put so much into getting to this day. I do not know what I am going to do with myself when it's done. Summer school, three semesters of 18 hours. Honestly, I am a little scared of not having a plan. That's not how I work. I should already have my schedule and a plan...but I am graduating. I am not twenty anymore, so it's not as if I am starting life new. A new chapter of life, totally unplanned. I hope I write it well!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Deep Thoughts...not from Jack Handy

Ok, so not everyone will get the SNL reference, but I did have a deep thought to share. Maybe it's just me, but I spend time counting down to things. Countdown to graduation, countdown to vacation, countdown to this or that. Does everyone do this? Probably. I don't think it's a bad thing. Counting down days until a big triumph, is normal. Here is my I consumed so much with getting to another day that I am not giving everything I have to the day I am in? I tell my kids to not wish their life away, these are the best years! They have very little responsibility, no debt and that all changes. No, I don't believe my teen years were the best of my life---just don't tell them that. Am I giving today everything it deserves? Am I allowing the future to take away from what lessons I am learning today? I don't know. I am still thinkin' about it. And that is deep thoughts from me at the ballpark.